Choosing the right protection and finish for your flooring and surfaces can be a dreadful task. Nowadays there are a lot of options and in this article, we are going to talk about two of the most popular floor coatings available on the market. Keep on reading to learn more about epoxy and polyaspartic coatings, why they are popular, and which one is better.
Polyaspartic Coatings

These coatings were introduced to the market in the 90s, however, they did not become popular for a long time after they were created. This is ultimately a protective coating that can be applied to most surfaces, however, they are most commonly used on metal and concrete. They are used to create a barrier between the base of the flooring and anything that is put on it, and they provide a perfectly shiny surface that is durable, easy to maintain, and extremely practical and useful.
There are different types of installation, and they can be installed and layers via plastering, painting, or spraying. They have become more and more popular on the market because they provide the best finish and they are the best option if you want long-lasting protection for your floors.
Now let’s talk more about the advantages of these coatings, and you should know that there are a lot of them. First and foremost, they can be installed pretty much anywhere, and they can be applied to any surface without you worrying about the type of surface or the conditions when you are installing them. There are almost no limits when it comes to the installation process, plus they are easy to install and they do cure in less than an hour or two. They come with a lot of different options, starting from design, colors, patterns, and everything else. Anything that you want to create with this material, you would be able to.
During the installation process, they are less likely to bubble, they are easy to clean and easy to maintain, and they create a clear and non-sticky surface when they are dry. They have low VOCs and odor, and when they are completely cured they create a finish that is scratch resistant as well as stain resistant. This means that they are extremely easy to maintain, and ultimately they are really durable.
Every product in the world comes with disadvantages, so now let’s see what are the disadvantages of polyaspartic coatings. As you probably know, they are a pretty new product that was placed on the market not too long ago, so that means that you would need to find the right service that will be able to help you out with the installation. They are not something that you can do on your own, and they are pretty expensive.
If you are looking for a budget-friendly option, then this may not be the best option for your needs. They can be pretty complex to install, so if you don’t find the right service, or if they don’t have the necessary equipment and knowledge, you may end up with a finished product that does not look as good as it should be. They are not resistant to some types of acids and chemicals, so you need to be careful about where you install them. Probably the biggest disadvantage is that they are extremely slippery when they are wet, so you have to wait for the surface to dry completely before stepping on it.
Epoxy coatings

Now let’s talk about the more popular option. In recent years, it seems like everyone started talking about epoxy and we can see these surfaces pretty much everywhere. They provide solutions for protecting and coating pretty much any surface of your choosing, and you can find them in almost every household nowadays. Epoxy is not great only for floorings, but it is also practical for everything starting from tables, countertops, and even home décor. This material has been proven to be extremely practical and useful if you want to protect your surfaces, and nowadays there are so many different types and designs available on the market, plus you are free to experiment on your own.
The finished surface is going to be resistant to most types of scratches and stains, and you will gain a nice, smooth finish, that looks beautiful and appealing for every single project.
We all know and love epoxy coatings, and there are so many reasons for that. First and foremost, these floorings are one of the most budget-friendly solutions when it comes to coatings. They are not going to break your bank, they come with DIY kits, and you are free to choose if you want to do this project on your own or if you are willing to hire a professional service.
They have a pretty long life, they are highly durable, and they create a heart and mesmerizing finish. They are a great option for pretty much everywhere, and they are going to look amazing no matter where you install them. Just like the other option, they come in a lot of different colors, designs, and patterns, so you can choose anything that fits your needs. They are resistant to most chemicals which means that you can easily clean and maintain them without worrying that they will get damaged with time.
When it comes to the drawbacks, the biggest problem that you are going to face is the installation. They cannot be installed if the temperature is way too high or way too low, and if they come in contact with surfaces that are too hot they will get damaged. Keep in mind that they are not the best option for garages or places where there are vehicles coming in with hot tires.
They do have a pretty long curing time, so you need to plan for the whole process to take at least one week depending on the size where you want them installed. Sometimes, the color may fade or yellow when it’s exposed to UV rays, and during the curing process, there are going to be a lot of hazardous vapors released. They are ultimately less flexible and less resistant to abrasion, so they may not be as durable as polyaspartic coatings.
Polyaspartic coatings vs Epoxy coatings – Comparison and frequently asked questions
Which one is easier to install?
Now that you know more about the basics when it comes to these floors and coatings, let’s see which one would be easier to install. The number one thing that you probably already know is that the epoxy floorings are theoretically easier to install, and they do come with DIY kits so that you can do it all on your own. Keep in mind that this is only theoretical because even if you try to do it on your own for a large surface, the chances of you making a mistake and messing everything up are pretty high.
Because of that, experts suggest that it is better to allow a professional service to do it all for you so that you don’t risk spending additional time and money to first do it on your own and then pay for a service to fix everything that you have done.
When we compare the two, we would see that the polyaspartic coatings models are the better choice because ultimately they are going to be easier and faster to install. Depending on the service that you hire you will see that it takes about one day to fully install the floorings and they cure within several hours. Keep in mind that it all depends on the size of the flooring, so if you have a larger surface that you want to be installed it may take more than a day. On the other hand, when it comes to epoxy floors, they usually take several days to install and take between three and four days to cure.
If you think about installing your epoxy floors, you should keep the weather in mind, because when the weather is not right, the epoxy may not cure properly, and it may become too hard or too liquidy which would ruin the finished result.
Which one would be more durable?
Durability is one of the most important things that we look at, especially when we want to install flooring in our garage, business, or any other place where we don’t want to be forced to remodel every other year. We are all looking for a solution that will allow us to easily maintain the floors, and not worry too much while we use them. You definitely don’t want to be worried every time you walk on those floorings, put your vehicles, or when you want to move something heavy.
When we look at durability we need to consider all these factors, we need to see how scratch resistant they are, how long they last if we do all the proper maintenance, and how long it would take for them to get damaged in case we don’t pay attention to anything other than using them however we want.
If you are looking to install something inside of your home where the temperatures would not vary that much, and if you want something to look pretty for years to come, then you would want to go with epoxy. If you need to install floors in your garage where hot tires would be in constant contact with the surface, then epoxy would not be the right way to go. When the epoxy is constantly in contact with hot items, they tend to peel over time and they do get damaged. On the same note, because of the damages that come with UV rays, epoxy is not the right way to go when it comes to surfaces that are going to be exposed to the sun constantly.
If you want to install something in your garage or outside, then it is far better to go with the polyaspartic model because it is going to be more resistant and far more durable. Keep in mind that both these options are pretty long-lasting, and you should not have any issues with them for years to come, however, it all depends on where you install these floorings. For inside buildings and maybe even kitchen floorings, epoxy may be the better option, however, if you look for something stable, extremely durable, and resistant, no matter where it’s placed and no matter the conditions it’s subjected to, then it is better to go with the polyaspartic coatings for flooring.
Which one is easier to clean?
Another big question that clients have is which one is easier to clean. When we install these coatings in our garages, we are all aware that all types of dirt, debris, and fluids are going to be there. Starting from our car oils, up to water, paint, things that our kids play with, and even dirt from outside that our pets bring, everything is there. We definitely don’t want to have to spend hours on our knees scrubbing all the stains, and we don’t want to see all those things every time we walk into our garage.
When it comes to businesses, we know that we regularly clean, however, we don’t want the customers that come at the end of the day to see that our floors are dirty. Because of that, we need to be able to choose a material that will allow us to use the floor constantly without noticing every single speck of dirt.
The number one thing you need to keep in mind is the design. Some designs, no matter if they are epoxy or polyaspartic will hide stains far better than other designs. If you are looking to install something that will hide most of the dirt and debris, it is best to talk to the service or the seller and ask them what designs they can offer you that will hide most of the issues that you don’t want to be seen.
The polyaspartic floorings are far easier to clean, however, the epoxy floorings will not give you too much trouble as well. Both of them are pretty resistant to chemicals, meaning that you can choose anything you want to clean them without worrying that they will get damaged. When choosing the right model for your needs, make sure that it fits your cleaning habits and that will not put you through too much trouble. Both of these models are relatively easy to clean, and you can use just a mop and water to remove the typical dust that comes. If you are looking for something that is not going to get damaged from the potential cleaning chemicals, you can safely use both options.
Nevertheless, it is always best to consult with a professional, especially when choosing the right products for maintenance, and talk to the service that installs your floorings to figure out what is the best way forward when it comes to cleaning and maintenance. Ultimately, epoxy is more resistant to chemicals, and polyaspartic flooring says have to be completely dry before stepping on them if you don’t want to sleep.
Could you install them on your own?
Many of us want to do things on our own, and we don’t want to have to wait for a professional service to come to our doorstep and get things done. Some of us, want to save some time and money, and we are interested in DIY projects. This begs the question, can we install these floorings on our own, or are we bound to wait for a service to come to accommodate our needs?
As we mentioned previously, you can install epoxy floorings on your own. They usually come with special kits where you would get all the parts that you need, and they do come with instructions on how to mix the solution, how to pour it, how to make sure that there are no air bubbles, and what you need to do to ensure that they cure properly. Theoretically, this is a great idea, however, you need to pay attention to the size of the project. If you want to try things out, and if you want to see if you can install an epoxy coating on your own, it is better to start with a smaller project. You have probably noticed that you can treat different surfaces in your household with epoxy, starting with your kitchen countertops, up to the wooden table that you have laying around that just waits to be brought back to life.
Some people are completely able to do the epoxy floorings on their own, and if you have some skills, a lot of patience, and are not afraid of making mistakes, then maybe you should try to do it on your own. Keep in mind that if you make a mistake, the process of removing everything, hiring a professional service, and getting things done properly will ultimately cost you far more than hiring a service right from the start.
On the other hand, when it comes to polyaspartic floorings, you cannot install them on your own. There is no way for you to DIY this project, no matter how skilled you are because it needs special equipment, skills, knowledge, and preparation. It is not advised to try this on your own, and you may end up doing far more damage than good. If you want to go with polyaspartic floorings, then it is best to collaborate with a professional service that will help you do it all depending on your needs, ideas, goals, and desires.
Which one is more budget-friendly?
Finally, let’s talk about money. No matter what your budget is, and no matter how much you’re willing to spend on this project, you probably don’t want to overspend, and you do want to save some cash if it’s possible. Some people work with tight budgets and they want to install something that is going to be long-lasting, easy to clean, beautiful, and that will not break the bank.
If you are worried about the cost and cost only, and if you only consider the investment that you will do at the beginning of the project, then epoxy coatings are your better bet. Epoxy is ultimately less expensive than polyaspartic coating, and the initial investment is going to be far cheaper. As we mentioned, they do come with home kits, so you will be able to finish this project without spending too much money.
Polyaspartic coatings tend to be more expensive than the other option, however, once you get them professionally installed, that will be the end of your worries. They are going to be ultimately far more long-lasting, they are going to be easier to clean, and they are going to stretch your dollar far more. You always have to consider not only the initial investment but the longevity of the materials. You don’t want to have to end up redoing things over and over again, and you don’t want to end up having to pay more and more as time goes on.
Because of that, it is safe to say that even though polyaspartic coatings are initially more expensive, if we see a long-term investment, they are the better option. Nevertheless, if you install epoxy properly; if you don’t subject them to extreme temperatures, and if you maintain them properly, epoxy may be the way to go for your specific needs.
One thing that we can learn about both of these coatings is that they do come with their own good and bad sides. There is no perfect material, and you cannot look for something that comes without any disadvantages. The main thing you need to consider is what would work best for your specific needs and project, and what you want to achieve in the long term. Both options can be the best decision you have ever made, and at the same time, they can put you through a lot of trouble. If you are not sure which is the best option depending on your specific needs, it is best to collaborate with a professional service that will help you figure out what is the best for your needs. Don’t forget that it is always best to give yourself time to find the right service for your needs, so make sure you ask for quotes and offers from different places and see what they can give you depending on your desires.
No matter what you choose to go with, it is far better to choose one of these two options than to go with some of the other traditional materials that have been proven to be far less durable, more expensive, and far more difficult for cleaning.